Cake Smash
Baby Emily turns 1 I first met mummy Kat when her first baby was born, since then we have stayed in contact and done quite a few shoots together. Today we went into the woods to do our own take on the "cake smash" photoshoot. We don't tend to conform to the standard box ticking on most subjects, so for us, the natural backdrop was a obvious choice. Off to the woods we went... After a little gentle encouragement from mum, baby Emily got stuck in - chocolate cake chunks everywhere! Even the bigger children that came along had fun clearing up the extra cake!! It's such a big day for us mums when our little ones turn a year old. A whole year since that eventful scary and most incredible day of your life. Wow. Every time. My oldest baby is 9 now and still every year I think "wow - where did that time go!" , I'm greatful for every second. If feels sometimes like those precious moments are slipping from my grasp like dandelions blowing away in the wind, beautifully and carelessly floating away, always to live in my heart. These early years are so priceless. P.s the cake was as yummy as it looked!!