Working Mothers project
When I met Karina, for me, she shows a perfect example of 'working mother'. Katrina's clothing, hair and make up done perfectly. Then on the other hand I see her two boys, and when you think of boys being the boisterous, muddy, adventurous type, these are exactly that, and more! I take my hat off to Karina, she travels worldwide all whilst being an amazing mother to her two sons. I think having a strong support system is key with Karina, not only does this mean Karina is able to continue with her career but her two boys also have such a strong loving support system around them. Karina, I think you have done and continue to do an amazing job and I just know you are creating one of the best role models any child could have.

"I work for a European wide DIY company and define the range for the different stores all over Europe within the area of water heating. Plumbing/ Water heating is still very male dominated area but I enjoy redefining the stereotypes. I went back to work after 6 months maternity leave with both of my babies. It was tough there is no doubt about it, it still is now!! However going back to work, particularly after my first where motherhood was a great leap into the unknown, gave me some familiarity back. It helped restore some of that confidence that had been knocked by becoming a Mum (I like to know what I am doing and suddenly I didn't have all the answers) and gave me back that little bit of the old me that I needed to hold on to. I really enjoyed my job at the time but it was tough as it involved commuting to London every day from Portsmouth and so eventually got too much particularly after baby number 2! Financially we needed me to work (I am the main earner) so I ended up moving Jobs. My job now while closer to home involves a lot of travelling, it can be really tough particularly on our relationship as I work long hours however I try to balance it out by being in full mum mode when I get back. Having fun with my children is very important and I spend as much time on weekends playing, making and being outside with my boys as possible. Daddy works weekends so it is me and the boys time and we are a little team. My work are also very flexible so allow time off if ever needed for the boys and also to get some of that time back with them if I have been away a lot, which is really important.
Yes there are days when I wish I could do every nursery run, when the mum guilt is overwhelming, when I wish it was me doing arts and crafts and playing with them rather than our childminder but I also know how much they love our childminder and her family and how they have become a part of ours. I wouldn't be able to do it without her and my Partner with the job that he does which enables him to be there at a set time for the boys everyday and have time off with them in the week. I hope that I am setting the boys a good example of a strong female and that they will pick up on my drive in life. It is a juggling act everyday and some days I feel like Wonder Woman and others I feel like dropped everything but we manage (just about) to get through!!!"
- Karina Sinnott